searching for colors

photo: : : me, I am always searching for colors. came across .henry pillows, yep, I'd like those, thank you very much."Henry Road's designer is Paula Smail. As a child growing up on Henry Road in South Africa, Paula remembers sitting in the apricot tree eating unripe fruit, the smell of chlorine...

love at alma

photo: : : not exactly design related...but I have to rave about my Saturday night's dinner at Alma de Cuba with my sweet .iz. one of the most fantastic restaurant experiences we've had!it was a surprise...... I was flying down to Philly for the weekend and wanted to do something special for...


photo: : : this will be my last post for now about the Boston .south end open studios. of course I will always keep my eyes open for local artists and art events around town and share them with you.last one out is,boxx, a truly contemporary furniture company with interesting use of materials and colors. the...

prints and pillows

: : i found these two ladies on the third floor of one of the open studio buildings. two friends who now run their separate business,.emily. makes beautiful prints for cards and calendars [gallardoworks] and .megan. [MEGillustrations] does illustrations for books but is also bringing some of her characters into 3D on these...

hudson design

photos: : : Hudson is a new addition the continuously expanding design culture in Boston’s .south end. I found it on my way to the .south end open studios. and decided to pop in to see what it was about. Owner and designer Jill Goldberg has created a retail space where you almost feel like you are in someone’s...


photos: : and : found this great, fun shoe brand for kids, morgan&milo while at the .south end open studios. above are some pictures of their studio space as well as a few pairs of shoes from their collection."Morgan & Milo was established in January 2003 as a brand that would...

boston's mod green pod

photos: : and : i can't even tell you how excited i was when i stepped in to .modgreenpod's. studio at the .south end open studios. on Saturday. i love their work and have seen their fabrics all over the place lately, the were recently featyred in domino as well as home&garden. it was happily...

boston etcetera media

photos: : etceteramedia.comphoto: : one of the most exciting discoveries of the weekend was the etceteramedia stand at the .south end open market. where I met .kelly smith., a 26 year old local artist, with a background in architecture, now working part time as an architect and part time building her new company...

boston south end open market

: : although, this was not part of the .south end open studio. tour, i want to mention it because it really is for the local artists. every Sunday there is an open market on Harrison Avenue in the .south end. local artists, and even artists from New Hampshire, Maine and Connecticut come in to sell their products. There...

boston local

: : i was overwhelmed by inspiration this weekend! it was so exciting and i'm thrilled to be able to share it with everyone.this weekend was the .south end open studios. every year in September, all artists in the city open their doors to the public. every weekend it's a new part of the city and this weekend, it was the .south end. one of my absolute...

amy butler

photo: : : oooh, i was so inspired by .amy butler's. beautiful fabrics yesterday!! i have seen her fabrics many times before, but i had never actually visited her website. i found it via .mary. one of my new Swedish readers. not only is it a beautiful is soo inspirational. it gives you...

blogger of the week

photo: and annika engström: : exciting news...lovely .frida. at Swedish design blog cult design is featuring me as blogger of the week. so exciting! if you have a minute, check it out [in Swedis...

: : welcome to the i have always been an advocate of green design. if i could, and maybe sometimes in the future, i would love to work with environmental design. so, i wanted to share some products, blogs, companies, books...things i've collected over time that is all about sustainable living.first out, is...

cup or a glass

: : i thought these vintage cups gone wine glasses were really creative. made from second hand cups combined with a wine glass stand, which makes every cup unique.designed by .hrafnkell birgisson. called hoch die tassen, which i think means...let's raise our cups.find them on .thorsten van elten., a wonderful place to...

syster yster

: : i have the best sister in the world!! just look at these adorable crocheted slippers that she's made for me! and they're green and orange, two of my favorite colors.I don't know where it all started, or where the inspiration came from, but just this year .karin. , my sister, started crocheting...... it started with...

beautiful birch

photo:: isokonplus.comphoto:: : i was inspired today by British furniture company isokon plus i, of course, am a personal fan of birch...i think any scandinavian has a special love for birch wood. first is storage unit/bench ,donkey 3, and below that, shipshape, storage and stool. i'm sure there are even more...


photo:: : i found these wonderful creations by webartist .maruto. [through a friend at work]. supposively these are flash creations with a mix of different motifs relating to a forest. I haven't completely understood it, but think they are beautiful. following is some more information about him...

svenskt tenn

: : i was so happy today when I visited .lena corwins. guest blog on design*sponge as i noticed that she had mentioned .josef frank. and .svenskt tenn. .josef frank. is one of my favorite artists. i have such a deep love for all of his patterns and they are such classic design icons in Sweden. I love how they are so strong,...


photo:: : i was introduced to a new magazine today .GOOD.their very first issue is out this month. there was so much interesting reading I didn't even make it through more than 10 pages. but, they do a better job themselves explaining what their magazine is about, so here's a quote from their website...

design house stockholm

photo: : : this isn't brand new news, some of you might have already read about it. design house stockholm has launched their new website. with beautiful imagery and of course, wonderful products. one of my favorites, is the tall cup, .spin.locally, you can find some of their stuff at .black ink....

: : alba: :

photo: : : I just wanted to share my first item of my collection of vintage cups with you. [ i've mentioned before that I want to start collecting vintage cups and in particular Scandinavian vintage cups. you can find a good selection online on Japanese website flaska] .erica. was so sweet, and brought me a...

pillow madness

photo:: design public: : fall is here, there is no point in trying to deny it anymore. I love the summer, but I'm very thankful for our seasons. and there are things to look forward too about the fall. for example, cuddling up on the couch with a hot cup of cocoa after a long day at work. so, in that spirit, I thought...


photo: : my friend .ali. at work seem to have a stock of all these great artists. recently she sent me the works of antigirl. I just love her graphics! such beautiful organic forms. thank you .a...

bold wall paper

photo: : I found this Swedish company called Intrade, through my Swedish design magazine Sköna Hem. Intrade is based out of Göteborg, my home town but has retailers all through the country. they import wallpapers from companies around the world. and it's one of the best collections I've seen. they have...