heaven on earth

: : I spend my days longing for this place. the view from the sauna at my family's summer house. it's heaven on earth :...

happy belated easter!

: : I know it's after .easter. already, but I couldn't resist sharing these beautifully crafted eggs by Slovenian artist, .franc grom. incredib...

Happy Weekend

This Concrete Pod by Architect Kazuya Morita is a piece of Sculptural beauty. Just think of all the different applications for this amazing piece......... "Concrete-pod" is micro-space furniture for private and public use made of extremely thin concrete. In the dome, because of its minimal scale, it makes us more sensitive...

Nursery Wallpaper

How cute is this wallpaper?  It is some of the nicest wallpaper I have seen for children's rooms.  It is from a British company called Fromental. Established in 2005,  Fromental produces a beautiful line of hand painted wallpapers.  The Company is headed by Tim Butcher, former seven years Creative Director...

ready made kitchens

: : found these wonderful and warm kitchen pieces by architect .knud kapper. for .hansen living. when I was browsing .inhabitat. today. beautiful pieces in oak, maple and teak. the first image is called an instant kitchen meant for studios and small apartments, just hook it up to water and electricity and you have a kitchen...

Farrow & Ball Launch 18 New Colors

Farrow & Ball Paint has just introduced 18 new paint colors in their line. I like the Farrow & Ball Paint range because it is complete yet concise. The specification of the product is very clear without too many different finishes or too large a product range to make it confusing. To use, it is just superb, like...

dala häst och tupp

: : these guys are my inspiration right now. maybe I'll have some more time to spend on my patterns this we...

too much work

: : so sorry folks. I've been absent for too long. work has been taking up too much of my time. this week I hope things will be back to normal. and I have an exciting visit from my cousin, aunt and uncle to look forward to.too busy at work, but still important to take breaks here and there, and my friend's wedding is...

Thinking of You

I've been short of time last week and I may not have time to do a full posting this week...but I am thinking about all of you. I have several wonderful new clients that are consuming my energies. It is all good and I am doing some new and wonderful and inspiring things that I will share with you soon. Picture via Le Petit...

handmade american furniture

lovely .ali. shared this site she found. these guys do some amazing woodwork with so much attention to details. and if you visit their site, you'll see that they have a lot of fun too. visit them here b...

The Color Purple

I was at a color seminar a few weeks ago in Vancouver given by the very knowledgeable and iconic Leatrice Eiseman, ASID, IDSA, FGI, CGM.  Leatrice is the author of seven books on color.  She is a color consultant to many industries and is the executive director of the Pantone Colour Institute. I am fortunate...