more inspiration

: : this is what I want in our living room. one wide shelf off the ground [easy cleaning] stacked with books, paintings, flowers...and rocks. I really like the concrete. that would take one strong wall though. I think I have to go with wood. via .elle decoration blog.this cheers up a kitchen!I like the idea of storing...


: : I love rocks. so does my Swedish friend .linn. our favorite place to go, is .rockport. where the beaches are covered in soft round rocks. I can't wait to go there this summer, and bring some rocks with me home to keep on our porch and around the hou...

color guide

: : I just went through the entire color guide on domino magazine's website. I'm mainly trying to figure out a color for the bedroom. that seems like the most important color to me. the others I can go bold with, but the bedroom I want to have a calmness to, with maybe some color pops here and there.I, of course, love...

customize your ikea stool

: : found that first picture on the top left on a new blog .ellmania. that .emma. directed me to. if you can see that little stool in the photo, I think it's this ikea stool covered in an oil cloth fabric. I have a green version of that fabric at home. maybe the perfect application for it would be on a stool? maybe suitable...

Summer Shopping in Seattle - Gucci & Tory Burch

   Tory Burch Cork flats                                       Gucci catch all                   ...

white matters

: : the 'full contact' spice grinder was love at first sight. we have used it several times for inspiration at work, it speaks harmony, emotions, softness and is such a beautiful relationship between two pieces. since Iz has really been getting into cooking lately, he might see a need for a spice grinder. if so, this will...

bedroom inspiration

: : I have always liked oh joy's bedroom. especially that blue pearl color. and I found the lovely pink yumiyumi print via oh joy. I think I would like that one for our bedro...

Blue is the New Black

And I mean a deep, dark, luscious Blue. It is showing up in walls, fabrics, carpets and accessories. It is a blue that doesn't have green or red in it. It is almost black and is warmer than lighter blues and has more life and depth than Black. It is the deepest shade of Indigo as seen in Ikat Textiles. It is the color...

I'm Back

I have been frantically trying to stay afloat.....that means I have been doing the proverbial juggling act of a circus acrobat.  When that happens in life some things have to give and that happened to be my daily Blog Postings.  Thanks to all of you who missed me and expressed your concern as to my whereabouts....

inspiration for our new home

I really like the colors and the simplicity of this kitchen. via sasa antica wall of bold wallpaper! the kind of kitchen island that we're looking for. a mix of odd chairs around the table. via emmas.harry bertoia. knoll chairs. how badly I want one like this one in white. via living ...

and so it begins.......

my orange juice would be happier in this. the perfect small size couch.via emmaslike the wire frame lamp. am buying a similar one this weekend to spray paint orange or green. one of our antique finds. a dish rack mounted on the wall is a very clever idea. where can I find this?via sasa antic: : bare with me, I've only...