My Favourite Curves

My favourite curved backyard.............   My favourite curved staircase   My favourite curved chair My favourite curved ceiling detail My favourite curved Banquette My favourite curved mirror   My favourite curved headboard My favourite curved sofa My favourite...

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving Patricia Gray writes about Interior Design inspirations, emerging trends, and the world of Design.  While you're here, subscribe to this feed so you don't miss out....

happy thanksgiving

: : Thanksgiving weekend has officially started. For .Iz. and I it means 4 days off together, nothing big planned, no big family gatherings, just time together at home. We'll attempt to re-upholster our couch [I'll share before and after pics], relax, hike, watch movies....but what we're most excited about is doing a lot...

apoteket's mustard

: : every time I step into the Swedish pharmacy [apoteket] when I'm home, I'm impressed by their organization, layout and packaging graphics. No clutter, everything is simple, clean, easy to understand which creates a sense of calm.I was not aware that in addition to selling ibuprofen and deodorant they also sell Christmas...

Swedish dancebands

: : Everyone seems to think these photos of .Swedish Dancebands. are hilarious. They came up in our lunch discussion at work and I had a friend email the link to me. Please don't let these photos influence your impression of Swedes! but hopefully they will make you laugh.view more photos here (via .notco...

a new member of our household

: : a dining table to me is the heart of a home. this is where we enjoy meals together, do our work, entertain with our friends, go through the day's events over tea &'s the central piece of our home. for months we lived with my old desk as our dining table, searching and searching for the perfect table...

What's Hot - McGuire Furniture

  Classic McGuire Circa 1973 McGuire Furniture is celebrating it's 60th Birthday and they have just introduced a new collection of furniture for the Kitchen.  For those of you who aren't familiar with this Company, it was founded in 1948 in San Francisco by John and Elinor McGuire. When I was in Design School...

Santa Baby - Get a Head Start on Christmas

Good Books Make Great Gifts A brand new book is slated to hit the bookstores just in time for Christmas - The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging with a Section titled: THE BLOG REVOLUTION IS HERE! (but we know that already)   This book refers to Blogging as "the advent of a new form of human communication...

Leonard Cohen in Vancouver

  I got an invitation this week for an exclusive showing of the artwork of the  legendary Canadian singer Leonard Cohen.  I did not know that Leonard Cohen was also an artist, and when I viewed his artwork I discovered that he draws and paints in the same poetic way as he sings. I quite like his bold,...

friday inspiration

: : love the photography of .bernd optiz. [discovered via .frolic.]happy weeken...

Göteborg apartment

: : I was emailing back and forth with my cousin in Göteborg, Sweden. He mentioned that he and his fiance are selling their apartment hoping to move into a bigger place. He included some photos of their current space.I was so impressed by what they've done with the space, I had to share. Their view of .skansen kronan....

Today I am Loving....

This beautiful and classic wall sconce designed by John Saladino.   The Soho wall-mounted fireplace that uses natural gas or propane. It measures 33" h by 33" w by a mere 12" deep, which has to be one of the shallowest fireboxes on the market. I would Install it on a wall, just like a piece of modern...

dia rugs

.oh joy. is the perfect place to go for some Friday inspiration. she has such a wonderful eye for everything from clothing to home design to architecture. love these .dia rugs. a yellow one would look great in our foy...

The Divine Law of the Great Chair

The excerpt below is from a wonderful Blog by Carrie and Danielle. It totally ties into my love for chairs and also the spiritual aspect of surrounding yourself in your homes with things that you love. Carrie and Danielle are also authors of the best selling book: Style Statement: Live by your own Design Here’s a radical...