Never Underestimate the Power of Great Natural Beauty

"Never underestimate the power of great natural beauty to bring you inspiration, peace of mind, and clarity of thought. In nature, you find yourself."  Wayne Dyer Wishing you a Happy Weekend  Top 2 photos Eric Piasecki, Bottom Left unknown, Bottom Right Kjersti Berg Patricia...

Beige is Magic - Albert Hadley

"Beige is atmosphere. It's bisque, it's ivory, it's cream, it's stone, it's toast, it's cappuccino. It's, well, it's magic." Albert Hadley Enjoy the slide show!!       Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design, architecture, and travel, as well...

Architects Have Great Tools!

Architects have many great tools that they can work with.  And under skilled hands they can be a great benefit to their clients.  One such tool is a software program called Google Sketchup.  Sketchup is a 3d modeling program that is surprisingly easy to use.  The images you see below are of a house...

I will miss domino

: : just read the sad news on d*sponge that domino is closing down. it was my favorite interior design magazine, and the only one I subscribed to. is this yet another sign of our economy going downhill or is it a sign of the digital times where newspapers, books and magazines all struggle to stay alive? I can't imagine...


: : .shepard fairey. a wonderful and very influential street artist. you've probably seen his famous obama illustration. he is currently decorating the streets of Boston with pieces from his new exhibit at the ICA {Boston Institute for contemporary art}. I found two on my way to work the other morning, and sadly discovered...

Architects are Sexy!

I ran across this totally factual article the other day.  Could not resist posting the link.Architects are se...

Top 10 Green Things to Do! When building your new home.

In my real job (non-blogging) I am finding that more and more people are interested in building a more environmentally responsible and healthy home.  Leaving political discussions and arguments about “climate change” behind (I don’t like being preached to and I don’t like preaching), I believe there are many...

Yellow - Mimosa's Debut?

Yellow tulips speak to me of Spring and the promise of sunshine.What could be more optimistic than that?Pantone, the global authority on color and provider of professional color standards for the design industry has selected 'Mimosa', a warm, engaging yellow, as the Color of the Year for 2009. It was selected for the view...