1,500 homes burned. Nine lives lost.Half a million acres scorched.

: : I came across this poster on the top, and fell in love with it. Turns out it's all for a good cause. I decided to buy it .here."Donated by designers and artists around the globe, posters sold at the So-Cal Fire Poster Project raise funds for victims of the wildfires that devastated Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and...

Passion - That is the Key

  "Passion - that is the key in Interior / Exterior: the urge to beautify and capture reality and to inspire others." This is an excerpt taken from the book: INEX by Wolterinck.  It is one of my favourite books as it features the interiors of homes and shows how the surrounding gardens have been designed...

marimekko-sanna annukka

: : I love .sanna annukka's work. Now she has a series of textiles out with .marimekko. What a great combination. Lovely id...


: : anyone who's been to our house in the recent weeks, has observed my fascination with paper doilies. doilies are so delicate, feminine, almost magical and there are so many things you can do with them (currently I'm using them as place mats). We don't have doilies in Sweden. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up painting...

kurbist inspiration again

sweetheart pillow by .lucky fish. via .nonchalant mom..moustache ape. skateboards with kurbits, via .below the clouds. alexander girard illustrations on bikes, via .below the clouds.: : I can never get enough of kurbits! and finally I've set up our studio at home, and am hoping to get back into designing some new patterns....


: : and of course the .esthex. dolls and musicboxes are irresistibl...


: : there are little ones on the way among family and friends (one due any day now).it's hard to stay away from browsing for baby stuff. .Brio. is a Swedish company. I used to play with their wooden trains when I was little. they have a new series called .my first. stuffed animals and trains. happy, colorful and playful.(via...

sköna hem

: : oh no, it's happened again, work has taken over my life. and when I'm not working I'm outside enjoying the glorious sunshine. my bike ride in this morning was so, so nice. it's days like today that gets me through freezing cold days biking through the snow in the winter.on the topic of summer, here is my 3rd magazine...

Making Orange Work with Sherwin-Williams Paint

Making Orange Work    The following is an article I was interviewed for in this month's issue of Sherwin-Williams Stir on how to successfully incorporate orange walls in your home. You can successfully incorporate orange walls in your design by choosing the right rooms, complementary colors...

Defining Space in an Open Floor Plan

Many of today's home designs incorporate open floor planning - with kitchen, dining and living areas all very open to one another.  Open planning is great for entertaining and family gatherings because it allows people congretating within these "zones" to remain connected with one another.One problem with open planning...

These Colors Make Me Happy

The hand painted burnished red on my Hermes cups My favourite orange T on the weekend A clear blue sky on a warm day when I am on vacation The creme on my morning espresso Live green branches against a white wall ...