Scandinavian web shops

 : : these are currently my two favorite Swedish/Scandinavian web shops, offering a wide array of products from the best of Scandinavian design . .Swedishness. I came across just recently, I love the layout of their shop that allows you to browse products without having to navigate through categories necessarily....

Wishlist item no. 3 IKEA PS SVARVA lamp

: : love the quirkiness and the character of .this lamp....

wishlist item no.4

: : I found this beautiful tray by designer Maria Holmer Dahlgren on .from Sthlm. I'm so disapointed that it's already sold out. I need to be checking their site more frequently. Hopefully I can find it somewhere in Sweden though. I think it would be the perfect breakfast tray for bringing my breakfast with me out on the...

IKEA fest (party)

: : my lovely friend .erica. is celebrating her birthday this weekend (Grattis på födelsedagen! Happy birthday!) and got in the mood to throw a party when she found this IKEA website focused on different party decoration themes. I love how they created drastically different themes and put their own products in context....

The Colors of San Jose del Cabo

The Colors of San Jose del Cabo                                    Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about WHAT'S HOT ...

Gotland house

: : Beautiful traditional Swedish country home on the island of Gotland off the Swedish east coast. Found via .husligheter. Such soft, welcoming floors and I really appreciate the simplicity of the interiors. Wonderf...

Wine Spa Treatment

"Come! I am tasting the stars!"   --Attributed by legend to Dom Pérignon (1638-1714)   Outdoor Wine Spa Treatment cabana overlooking ocean   I had my first wine spa massage today – it is the hottest new trend in the spa industry. Grapes, grape seeds and grape vines contain some of the nature’s...

Welcome to the Hotel California

Yesterday I set off to visit the legendary Hotel California in Todos Santos, Mexico.  The Eagles made this song famous in the 70’s|(listen to it here on YouTube as performed at the 2007 Grammys.)  According to the locals - Todos Santos was a town that the Vietnam draft dodgers escaped to in the late 60’s. ...