Snappy Home Design by Ron Brenner Architects

At Ron Brenner Architects we have been working on a new model home design which will be constructed in Woodbury, Minnesota.  Below is a sneak preview (in animation form) of our first concept.  If you expand the video make sure you increase the YouTube quality to 1080p.  It will look much more snappy. This is a good example of how...

Modern homes front designs Florida.

Modern homes front designs Flori...

Modern house designs exterior views.

Modern house designs exterior vie...

Top 25 Interior Blogs in the World

Photo: Patricia Gray | Interior Design Vancouver | The Patina We have been ranked #3 in "The Top 25 Interior Design Blogs in the World".Thank-you Designs-n-Deal.Congratulations to Meade Design Group & Brillante Interiors, friends of mine, who also made the list.PATRICIA GRAY INC is an award winning interior...

Architects have Great Tools - Sunroom Addition

This is another great example of the infinite number of uses for Sketchup - the 3d modeling tool that I love to work with.  The animation below is of a residential addition that I am creating for a client in Wayzata, Minnesota.  This consists of a 3car garage attached to the house via a generous mudroom on the main floor.  Upstairs we...

Modern mediterranean home exterior design idea.

Modern mediterranean home exterior design id...

Modern homes interior decoration designs ideas.

Modern homes interior decoration designs ide...

Modern homes designs front views San francisco USA.

Modern homes designs front views San francisco U...

Modern homes exterior unique designs.

Modern homes exterior unique desig...

Design Inspiration from Pasadena and Palm Springs

I recently took a trip to Pasadena and Palm Springs to gain some design inspiration and learn more about two very different types of residential architecture.  Pasadena is famous for its wealth of Arts and Crafts Architecture and Palm Springs has the largest concentration of Mid-Century Modern Architecture. ...

Modern double story home design exterior views.

Modern home design double stoty exterior ideas for farm house with swimming pool near by sea beautiful home design id...

Modern double story home designs ideas.

Modern double story home designs ide...

Modern homes flooring designs ideas.

 living room ceramic tiles flooring design idea.  living room ceramic tiles flooring design idea. stone pieces flooring idea. marble flooring design. Modern home exterior flooring idea.Entrance flooring id...

Modern mediterranean homes exterior designs ideas latest.

Modern mediterranean homes exterior designs ideas late...