And the Winners are.......

Thanks for taking part in the poll ' My 10 Most Winning Wing Chairs '.  64 votes were tabulated over 5 days. 1st Place   B & B Italia Max Alto designed by Antonio Citterio   2nd Place   Leo Chair by Oly Studio   3rd Place   Big Chair by Jens Risom from Ralph Pucci...

Color Inspiration

Spring is around the corner and I am inspired by these bright and cheerful colors. Duralee Fabrics  Patricia Gray writes about emerging trends, her inspirations, "What's HOT" in the world of Design, as well as sneak peaks of her work. ...

Modern Italian Interior Design

Molteni&C Milano     PATRICIA GRAY INC is an award winning interior design firm writing about lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT in the world of interior design, architecture, art and travel. 2011 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™...

Michelle Morelan

I received this rendering of a Master Bedroom that I designed from Michelle Morelan,a talented artist who writes the Blog A Schematic Life. Thanks Michelle and keep up the good work! Rendering by Michelle Morelan of a room designed by Patricia Gray   PATRICIA GRAY INC is an award winning interior design...

Its the Energy Stupid!

I ran across this criticism of Architects and the green movement the other day. was written by Joseph Lstiburek; a renowned building science expert and royal smart ass.  Many Architects and Engineers do not like Mr. Lstiburek...

flowers in the middle of winter

: : I found this wonderful flowerbed made of paper flowers on my bike ride in to work this morning. it brightened my day so much! I had to post it on can find the flowerbed in front of the art institute of Boston, just past Kenmore square. absolutely lovel...

fashion on my mind

: : since it's new york fashion week, I thought I'd share these lovely pieces by .mary & angelika. on etsy. the little jacket would be perfect with most dresses. so adorab...

Green Links

I just wanted to pass on an FYI that I have now posted links for various green resources along the sidebar of the Simply Elegant Home Designs Blog.  Over the next weeks I will be refining the listings.  Since there are so many green resources available to us I want to try to edit the list down to provide useful "common sense green" information,...

Architect vs. Builder

Architects and Home Builders seem to have a bit of a dysfunctional relationship.  Looking through my lens as an Architect it seems that many builders look at us as a necessary evil; and something to be avoided.  Most builders today still utilize their own in house staff or an outside house plan drafting...

My 10 Most Winning Wing Chairs

Traditionally a wing back chair was an upholstered easy chair with large "wings" mounted to the armrests and enclosing the head or torso areas of the body. Such wing back chairs were originally designed to provide comfortable protection from drafts, and particularly to trap the heat from a fireplace in the area where the...

Take a Tap your Feet...or Get up and Dance

Mockingbird - Carly Simon and James Tay...

Happy Valentines Day

  "Laughter is the closest distance between two people" --Victor Borge Photo Credit: Colour Me Happy Patricia Gray writes about emerging trends, her inspirations, "What's HOT" in the world of Design, as well as sneak peaks of her work. Widg...

100 meter photo

: : more wonderful finds via .pan.dan. a 100 meter long photo celebrating ordinary people by danish photographer. simon hoegsberg. it just keeps scrolling and scrolling....happy weeke...

funny walk in cabinet

: : the .colorblog. has me thinking about my outfit a lot more these days. maybe this is the reason why I was drawn to this image so much. it makes me smile. most things that I find via pan.dan makes me smile.walk in cabi...

colors in new orleans

these wonderful photos of colorful homes in .new orleans. taken by my friend .annis. can be found over on our .colormeblogg. today. I love the detailed patterns on the home in the first pho...

View your home in Google Earth

Simply Elegant Home Designs is offering a new service to help potential plan purchasers visualize their house plan within the context of their own site.  For a nominal fee they can provide images of the desired house plan at their site address.  The images below provide an example of how this can work.  They...

creative children's spaces

: : from my very first visit, I have always loved elisabeth dunker's blog .fine little day. (she lives in my hometown of göteborg) What draws me the most to her blog is seeing the photos of how creative she is with her children. I love seeing the projects that they work on, building a circus out of toilet rolls, making...

The Ultimate Flou Beds

This is my idea of the perfect bed. The frame of the mattress is on a suspension system that lifts easily -- just hit the release button and it pops up with a light tug-- very ingeniously designed. The frame is separate from the head-board. Also, the enclosed space stays clean, unlike underneath a bed. Made in Italy by...

These are a Few of My Favourite Things

My Motto is "When you live with beautiful things, you stimulate your mind, you enjoy life a little more."   I have a tray in my bathroom that I look at everyday that holds some of my most favourite things.  It makes me happy every time I look at it, and isn't that what makes life worthwhile to find beauty...

Barcelona Pavilion Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

This picture was sent to me by my good friend, Colin Kwok, who is an Architect and an extraordinary Sculptor. It is the Barcelona Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. I thought I would share it with you as it is very inspirational for me. I would love to visit Barcelona and view this sculpture in person one day....