Last week I was gifted with a ‘plein air’ watercolor workshop given by Lynn Onley. Plein air painting is a familiar concept today, but in the late 1800s when the Impressionists ventured out of their studios into nature to investigate and capture the effects of sunlight and different times of days on a subject, it was quite...
Home › Archives for July 2010
Design Ideas - Make Your Island Special!

This is the first in a new series that I will be starting called "Design Ideas". What I would like to do is illustrate little design ideas that can help to make your home special. So here goes.The photo below is a Kitchen in a home that I designed at Ron Brenner Architects. This unique house plan - The Lakeland Cape...
Nice Space, Good House Design2

My better half (Kelley) loves everything that interior designer Candice Olson performs. I just ran across one more example of a family room she designed which I have included directly below.It seems like all of her work combines architectural and decorating elements in a sophisticated and harmonious way. Here I love...
Ipod Kitchen Faucet

For years I have been wondering when someone would come out with a kitchen faucet / ipod - and here it is!OK - its not an IPOD, but a touch screen. The faucet is produced by Italian manufacturer Fima Carlo Frattini.The "Nonos" faucet allows the user to adjust water quantity, pressure and temperature. It also alerts the...
Nice Space, Good House Design

I ran across this photo of a nice modern bedroom space and thought I would pass it on along with a couple of thoughts.Obviously the design is all about the connection with the outdoors. Floor to ceiling glass with a patio directly outside bleed the definition between outside and inside. If it was my design I might have...
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interior design
master bedroom
modern house plans
simple house plans
unique house plans
Custom Architect Designed House Plans for $10K?

So how much does good home design cost? To have an Architect tailor a home design specifically for you and your building site it can cost quite a bit. Full service Architectural fees can cost anywhere from 8% to 15% of the construction cost of your home. As an example a $400,000 home could run from $32,000 to $60,000 in architectural fees. Many...
Google celebrates Josef Frank

: : Google is celebrating one of my favorite Swedish Designers of all times today, Josef Frank. Happy 125th Birthday Josef Frank!!(images via google imag...
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Its Complicated House

Over the past year I have had several clients make reference to the movie "It's Complicated" starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. They all love the house that Meryl lives in but cannot put into words exactly what it is that draws them. So I thought I would take a little closer look to see if I could discover...
Weekend In Paris
Toast Soldiers and 3 Minute Boiled Egg This picture is my inspiration for Sunday brunch, when I like to take my time and read the New York Times, over a leisurely breakfast of three minute boiled eggs and, toast soldiers with homemade blackberry jelly. I am going to cut my toast into strips like this...
Spanish villa

: : since our summer vacation in the .Costa Brava region of Spain. last summer, we've been dreaming about owning a house in Spain. A house like this one on .IKEA family live. would do. *smile* I love that there seem to be no barriers between indoor and outdoor space, they just blend togeth...
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Scandinavian Summer days

: : being reminded of Swedish summer days while looking through the blog .forever is today. Beautiful photographs that capture the true essence of Swedish summer lifestyle. Nothing beats Swedish summer days with friends and family....nothing! How I miss them.....and that magical golden lig...
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Axor Bouroullec Bathroom Collection
The latest bathroom furniture and sanity ware collection for Axor is designed by french designers, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec. The Axor Bouroullec consists of 85 bathroom products, including: mixers, wash basins, bath tubs, solutions for shower areas, and so on. The main point of the collection is to allow home owners...
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interior design
Classically Modern Home Design
This classically modern, 3400-square foot home is designed by Kim Lavacot of Bennett Lavacot Architecture, while it’s interior is designed by Robin Chell Design studio. The house is overlooking Lake Washington and maximizes the expansive water views and encourage the interplay between the indoors and outdoors with...
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home design
interior design
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